Saturday, July 16, 2016

Bread Upma

Recipe Courtesy Mr. Bushan and of my friend, her husband once tried this and it was tasty.  I never thought we could make Bread Upma from bread. 


Bread 1 pound for 4 servings 
Cooking time: 10 minutes
Preparation time: 10 min

Bread 1 pound
Green chillies 
Onion 3 medium size
Tomato 3 Medium size
Mustard 1 teaspoon
Curry Leaves 6 to 7 strands
Coriander leaves half tablespoon
Red chilli powder (optional)
Turmeric 1/4 teaspoon.
Oil one tablespoon and salt to taste.

Cut bread into cubes and keep it aside.
Take a Kadai add oil, add mustard once splutter, add Onion, once done, add green chillies, add curry leaves and saute.
If needed extra spice and taste add red chilli powder, saute and finally add bread pieces. Mix it well adding salt. Garnish with coriander leaves and serve.  

Jowar Balls with Brahmi leaves chutney

I always prepare simple dishes which are nutritious, this one is again another simple one. This is again another favorite lunch time preparation.......Jowar is again used much in North Karnataka, due to the humid conditions.
Now a days, migration is common from one place to another and people miss their homeland food.

I have always cherished this dish in my childhood.....whenever I used to visit my grandmother in holidays. 

You need Jowar flour about 2 table spoons for 2 servings.
Cooking time is 10 to 15 minutes 
Prepration is 5 minutes.

Jowar flour 2 table spoons
water 2 cups or 200 ml
salt to taste 

For the Chutney or tambuli as we call it. 
Brahmi Leaves handful
Ghee 1 teaspoon
green chilli one 
1/4 tablespoon fried gram
Cumin seeds 1 teaspoon

Jowar balls
Take water in a bowl once it starts boiling add 1 spoon of flour mixed with flour....we add this for nice texure.
Once it starts boiling add the flour and salt  let it cook for exactly 10 minutes and then take it out from the stove and mix it with spatula, later make balls with the help of hand using little cold water to dip your hands.
Serve hot with ghee poured on it.

For Chutney
Fry brahmi leaves with little ghee and then add fried gram, green chilli,cumin seeds and grind it and mix it with little curds adding salt.
Add tempering of mustard and curry leaves with pinch of Asafotida.

Serve hot

Jowar and Rice Rotti

I  have used 1:1 proportion of Jowar and Rice flour to prepare this and  grated turnip (knolnol), for about 4 roties 2 tablespoons of each flour is required,chillies as spice required, I have used 1 green chilli as I am not too fond of spice. 2 teaspoons of Cumin seeds and salt o taste, handfull of chopped coriander I have used chakramuni soppu(vitamin green) which I have chopped and mixed it.
Add grated turnip, chillies, cumin seeds, salt, coriander leaves and use warm water to mix the flour. 
Consistency should be in that way that one can spread it on the pan with the help of our fingers......and close it for 3 minutes your crispy rotti is ready to serve with any chutney or pickle. 

Kuttundi (Instant Hajmola)

This one is  prepared by my 8 year old daughter, she prepared this with my mothers help....
we all have done this and enjoyed with friends.....when we were daughter enjoyed at my mother's place

All you need is
Tamarind  about size of a lemon or 1/2 tablespoon for 3 servings
Jaggery 1/2 tablespoon
Green or red chillies according to the spice required 
Cumin seeds 2 to 3 teaspoons
salt to taste.
Grind it or we can use the spice crusher for better taste.
Take sticks and stick it as a lolipop and enjoy it.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Pickle Rice....

Every morning what new dish could be prepared is the question common in our friends circle.

Here is another simple rice which any one can pack for lunch box or eat it preparing it in 10 to 15 min

All you need is 200 gms of rice
Curry leaves few strands
Mustard seeds 1 teaspoon
Chana dal 2 teaspoons
Red chillies one or two
Asafoetida pinch
Grated coconut (optional)
Pickle Juice or Gravy  which will be with the pickle.  1 tablespoon.
Oil 1 tablespoon and salt to taste.

For 2 servings take 200 gms of rice cooked. Do not cook rice too sticky, it should be the way we cook for pulov. Keep 1:1 and half water. Keep it aside.

Take a kadai and add oil, add mustard, add chanadal, once turns brown add redchilles, curry leaves and hing. Later add the pickle gravy and mix it well.
To this add rice and mix it well add salt accordingly after tasting it. Since pickle has salt in it and garnish with grated coconut or pack it for lunch

Biscuit and Bread Pudding

  Biscuit and Bread Pudding Serves- 8(For below propotion) Ingredients- Bread- Depends on the size of container Digestive Biscuits- Depends ...