Friday, October 30, 2015

Cabbage Pakoda

I would love variations in cooking. Just tried out this Cabbage Pakoda adding only cabbage in the place of onion.
For 3 to 4  servings 
Time for preparation 10 min
Making time 10 minutes 

Took small cabbage chopped finely
Coriander leaves  about half an hand ful washed and chopped 
Green chilles 2 you want more u can use
Half a tea spoon red chilli powder
1cup of or 200 gms of chana flour 
For that
1 tablespoon or 2 tablespoons of rice flour. (For crispness) 
Ajwain seeds of 2 teaspoons
Salt to taste

Mix chana flour and rice flour,  add all the other ingredients and add water to mix it well.
To the consistency of any pakoda mixing.
Take a kadai add oil and drop a lemon sized flor to deep fry and serve it with any chutney 

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Curry Leaves Rice

250 grams raw white rice
Curry leaves about an hand full or 50 grams.
Either one can use Asafoetida  or 

Garlic cloves about 4 to 5
Green chilles according to the spice required. Since I do not eat spicy food I have added  one  chilly.
How to do:
Cook rice, rice should not be sticky for that use 1:2 rice:water and pressure cook for 2 or 3 whistles.
secondly grind the curry leaves with garlic cloves and green chillies. 
Take a pan, take  2 tablespoons of oil, add the grounded curry leaves to this and saute for 5 minutes.
once you get the aroma of curry leaves cooked off the gas.
Let the rice cool for few minutes then add the rice to the cooked curry leaves and add salt.
Mix it well and serve garnished with cashews. 

Biscuit and Bread Pudding

  Biscuit and Bread Pudding Serves- 8(For below propotion) Ingredients- Bread- Depends on the size of container Digestive Biscuits- Depends ...