Monday, March 28, 2016

French fries

All you need is 2 large potatoes to serve 2 to 3 servings for kids.
Peal the skin of potatoes, cut into thin stripes.
Soak it in water for 10 minutes.
remove it on a towel so that extra water is absorbed.
Then Sprinle Jowar flour gently. Mix it 
Fry it in oil.
Remove it on a tissue paper.
Then sprinkle red chilli powder and salt serve hot.

Yam Gravy dry

Yam is a good source of energy, and it has antioxidants. It also reduces constipation.

Here is a simple recipe of dry Yam Gravy. 
All you need for 2-3 servings is 150gms yam
Grated coconut 2 tablespoons
1 Teaspoon of urad dal.
Two red chilles
1 tea spoon of Mustard.
Salt to taste.
curry leaves few.
1 tablespoon of oil for preparing.

Fry urad dal and mustard.

Yam could be pressure cooked or you can directly cook. Pressure cook for 1 whistle.
Take coconut, red chilli, and fried uraddal and mustard and grind it adding not too much water. 

Take a kadai and add oil, add mustard and curry leaves and pinch of asafoetida.
Later add yam and grinded masala to it.
Add salt and 
Mix it well.
Serve with Roties 

Puliyogre Pasta (tamarind pasta)

Thanks Deepthi Shankar , for this wonderful recipe,  Sejjal really enjoyed this one, only twist what I made was added powdered walnut to enhance the taste nutrition.

For 2 servings 
Preparation time 10 min
cooking time 10 minutes

150 gms of pasta (cooked the usual way)
Two tablespoons of Puliogre Powder or Paste.
One Red chilli
Walnut Powdered about hald tablespoon
Groundnut fried and powdered about 1 tablespoon
curry leaves 3 to 4 (I use powdered curry leaves)
Salt to taste 
Oil 1 tablespoon

Take an Kadai 
Add oil of 1 tablespoon
Add the puliogre mix powder or Paste. (we can make puliyogre paste at home also.
We get many brands now a days, MTR or Maiya's would be fine).
Add redchilles, curry leaves and saute.
Then add the cooked pasta.
Mix it well, add groundnut powder and  Walnut powder.
This one could be good for Tiffen box also.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Uraddal Vada as a chat

Evening time chat or whenever surprise guests are at home, this one could be one of the easy and tasty chat.

Sometimes, I forget to soak uraddal for 2 hours, I use boiling water to do so. 15 to 20 min is enough when we soak in boiling water.

For 3 to 4 servings: 3 tablespoons of  Urad dal is required.

Urad dal 150 gms
1 table spoon of rice flour.
Peppercorns 4 to 5 
Curry leaves few 
Salt to taste

Soak for an hour if soaking in boiling water.
Normal Soaking for 2 hrs.

Grind it to smooth batter, add rice flour for crispiness, thick consistency, make round balls and fry it.
Dip it in the curd and serve it in a bowl garnish with sweet and sour chutney. Pinch of cumin and pepper powder.
Put some sev and also coriander chopped. 
Serve it.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Puffed wheat masala

Evening snack, when kids want something different believe me this works.

We get puffed wheat grains, I use 3 liters which will last for 15 days, for 3 to 4 servings, weekly twice.

Buy wheat puffed grains 3 to 4 liters
Oil of 1 tablespoons
Curry leaves powdered
Pasta seasoning or thyme
Turmeric powder 2 teaspoons
Groundnut 2 tablespoons
Red chilli flakes 2 to 3 teaspoons
Salt to taste

Take an Aluminium kadai, add oil, once oil is heated add groundnuts, once it is fried add pasta seasoning, curry leaves powdered, chilli flakes, turmeric, and salt.
Saute for 3 min and then add puffed grains.

In a low flame, mix it well for 5 to 8 min, so that grain observe the masala and become crunchy.

Once it is cool, store it in air tight jar.

Serve it with  finely chopped cucumber.

Pumkin Dosa

Thanks to my friend Babitha for this recipe, I give a bit of twist by adding asafoetida and  1 teaspoons of sabzi powder.

Simple recipe and simple preparation, 
Time for prepration 10 min
soaking time 4 hours, fermentation time 10hrs, for 4 to 5 servings 3 dosas each.

You need 250 grams of dosa rice or raw rice.
100 gms of white pumkin, removed skin and grate it.
Ginger 1/2 inch
red chilles or green chilles 2-3 
1 tablespoon of grated coconut
cumin seeds 1to 2 teaspoons
salt to taste.

Soak Rice for 3 to 4 hours,  after 4 hrs drain water for grinding. While grinding remove the pumpkin from the refrigerator and grate or cut it into cubes, ( grating will help in grinding).
Add ginger, chilles and grated coconut and grind it.  Batter should be medium thick add salt and leave it for fermentation.

Serve in the morning with coconut chutney...................

Friday, March 11, 2016

Prepraring Butter at home

I have seen many friends of mine who eat cream which is high in fat, instead make butter at home and get three products, buttermilk, butter and ghee.

I collect cream which is formed on the the top of milk while boiling and then put 1 tablespoon of curd to ferment it, remember when you want to make curds you should remember that milk must be lukewarm, then the curds will be like a jelly.

I collect cream for 3 days in a bottle and always refrigerate it, third day remove the bottle from fridge and keep it out, so that it will drop to the room temperature.
Shake the bottle as you make any milk shake with the help of  milk shake bottles.
Thick butter will form on the top of the bottle.
Collect the butter in a bowl  add water to the collected butter and refrigerate it.
Either you can make it ghee or you can use fresh butter.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Musk melon

When kids are back home from school, we usually think how to satisfy their demands to have their food, and 
here I found another milk shake for kids which is healthy and could be served at anytime.

can prepare it within 10 minutes
All you need is a bowl or 2 tablespoons of muskmelon cut into cubes
Brown sugar 1/2 tablespoon
2 cashew nuts
100 ml of milk 
mix all and grind it 
serve it with love.

Masala Peanut

This one is one of my favorite,

Here it goes, for 4 to 5 servings 250 gms of peanuts, preparation  time 15 minutes.
Take oil of about 2 tablespoons and fry peanuts till it is done, later sprinkle mix of gram flour about 1 tablespoons, redchilli powder or rasam powder of about half tablespoon or according to spice required and salt.

Mix it thoroughly , serve with tea...............

Radish and Knol Knol or German turnip Salad

Salads are very healthy food, it is light for stomach. 

This one is very simple, for 3 servings, prepration time is 10 min, I have taken two radish and one turnip, (grated), one medium onion chopped, coriander leaves chopped half tablespoon, green chilles  according to spice required , mustard 1/4 teaspoon, cumin seeds 1/4 teaspoon ,  curry leaves few, 1/2 table spoon oil for tempering and salt to taste.

Take a bowl and add the grated vegetables, add curd, add onions.
for tempering take oil in another pan, add oil, add mustard and cumin once splutter add curry leaves, one can add a pinch of asafoetida and salt mix the salad, garnish with chopped coriander leaves and serve with roties or can eat it as a salad.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Masala Butter Milk

Butter milk is one of the best medicine for digestion, stomach pain, lowers cholesterol and many more..................
I make butter milk using the fermented curd.

Masala added is roasted cumin and pepper powder.           about 1 teaspoon for one glass
curry leaves powder dried and powdered.                      1 teaspoon
coriander leaves finely chopped.                                   1 tea spoon
ginger grated.                                                              1 teaspoon
salt to taste.
a pinch of asafoetida, (one can replace asafoetida with garlic smashed)

Mix it with buttermilk and serve.

Biscuit and Bread Pudding

  Biscuit and Bread Pudding Serves- 8(For below propotion) Ingredients- Bread- Depends on the size of container Digestive Biscuits- Depends ...